Price 19.95 USD
This book is written in
Japanese, English, and

ISBN 4 284 10001 7

Price 5880 Yen plus sea
or air delivery  fee

Bernard Lown, Nobel Peace Prize
This book is a “drop o sun” how appropriate that a Japanese
and an Israeli speak with one voice of shared pain. The
holocaust and images of Auschwitz meld with the horror of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Ester K. Alter, Holocaust Survivor
This book is a candle for the memory of the victims and a
light for the living.

Minoru Hataguchi, Ex Director. Hiroshima Memorial
Hope this book will be of great help to abolish the nuclear

Ittyoh Itoh, Mayor of Nagasaki
Let Nagasaki be the last A- bombed area through this book.

Luis Arias Manzo, Secretary General of “Poets of the
Ernesto Kahan  and Taki Yurico have gone to the bottom of
the abyss for sprinkle of hopes the future  of the man.

Maria C. Azcona, Director IFLAC- Argentina
It is indispensable to read and study this book, to learn from
it, to memorize it in schools, colleges and universities. We
must recite it in markets, streets and squares.

Hideo Tsuchiyama, Ex-President of Nagasaki University
A Book That Touches Your Heart

Kyoko Hayashi, Writer
Two Sides of Humankind. Read it!

Bernard Lown, Premio Nóbel de Paz
Este libro es una “gosa del sol. ¡Cuàn apropiado que un
japonése y un israeli hablen con la voz del dolor compartido! El
Holocausto y la imagine de Auschwitz se juntan con el horror
de Hiroshima y Nagasaki.

Ester K. Alter, Sobreviviente del Holocausto
Este libro es una vela por las victimas y una luz de speranza
para los vivos.

Minoru Hataguchi, Ex Director del Museo de Paz
Conmemorativo de Hiroshima
Espero que este libro sea de gran ayuda para abolir las armas

Ittyoh Itoh, Alcalde de Nagasaki
Un libro para que Nagasaki sea la ultima área atacada con la
bomba A.

Luis Arias Manzo, Secretario  General de “Poetas del
Ernesto Kahan  y Taki Yuriko han ido hasta el fondo del
abismo para rociar de esperanzas el futuro del hombre.

Maria C. Azcona, Emb. Universal de la Paz, Directora
Es necesario leer y estudiar este libro, conocerlo, memorizarlo
en las escuelas, colegias y universidades. Recitarlo en el
mercado, calles y plazas.

Hideo Tsuchiyama, Ex-Presidente  de la Universidad de
Nagasaki University
Un Libro Que Toca el Corazón.

Kyoko Hayashi, Escritor
Dos lados de la humanidad. ¡Léanlo!
ISBN: 973-85714-1-8
Awarded a prize “The Best Poetry
Book in 2013” by International
Writers and Artists association.with
translators Mr.&Mrs.Saxon.
This poetry book ”Sakura,the
Cherry Blossom” records in
chronological order what has
actually happened from 2011/3/11
to 2012/12 and to present day at
Fukushima in Japan.
This book is written in Japanese and

ISBN 978-93-82393-32-0
Price USD 12.95 plus
tax and delivery fee